Monday motivation | The benefits of failure

Failure stings.

  • Not getting the promotion.
  • Not nailing the pitch.
  • Snapping at your partner or friend.

Talking about your failures though is crucial for growth & comes with many benefits such as:

  • Experience
  • Knowledge
  • Resilience
  • Growth

And when done with authenticity, humility and a genuine desire to put ego’s aside and work towards a common goal, discussing failures in person (no, not email, text or Slack) can strengthen your relationships and make you more relatable according to research from Harvard’s Alison Wood Brooks.

So today, we propose a reframe of the term ‘failure’. Let’s instead start thinking about feedback and ‘failure’ as gifts. Because, when you think about it, the opportunity for growth is so unique and certainly something to be grateful for.

Till next time,
The Dream Collective Team


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