Emerging leaders bootcamp Tokyo: The highlights

We recently concluded another successful Emerging Leaders Program in Tokyo, Japan. We are thrilled to now welcome the remarkable women that took part into our global leadership community and look forward to watching them continue to thrive and break boundaries!

No two groups are ever alike so we’d love to share the highlights observed throughout this particular program.

The ‘Leadership Fireside Panel’

Each program, we invite two leadership experts to participate in a leadership panel discussion where they openly discuss their experiences to date.

This time, we were so honoured to have been joined by Sawako Ohgi and Milo Yanai, GM of JERA and Suntory respectively, who both relentlessly and elegantly pushed changes throughout their careers in male dominated fields of energy and beverage / motor.

They also shared their experiences working abroad and how they have effectively communicated their with male senior managers in fields dominated by men. Their top tips? Try to understand their point of view and how they reached it. Think clearly about the message you want to communicate so they can understand and support you. This is crucial when developing your personal brand.

Our infamous Dinner with a Mentor

As always, we finish the program with our exclusive Dinner with a Mentor event, this time featuring guests of honour Vanessa Oshima – Marketing Division Manager Starbucks Japan & Mai Yanagawm – Managing Director, Air Aroma Japan.

During the evening, both mentors shared not just their career paths but also personal struggles and stories before having us all take part in a simple exercise that asks you to describe yourself in three words. Through this process, we discovered what we each valued most and the results were surprisingly enlightening.

We’d like to thank our generous venue sponsors Johnson Controls Hitachi Japan, panellists, mentors and of course, the cohort themselves for all coming together and sharing in our vision to see more women into leadership in Japan.

We look forward to returning to Tokyo in October!


Our programs have proven to:

  • Expand professional networks meaningfully
  • Increase earning potential
  • Provide the confidence and tools needed in order to lead effectively

Facilitated by world-leading subject-matter experts, we strive to cover invaluable skills across the core pillars of Communications, Leadership, Innovation & Wellbeing while always considering the skills required in the future.

So if you’d like to hear more about our upcoming programs globally, discuss opportunities to work together or simply chat, get in touch today. We’d love to hear from you!


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